Pelton Community Primary School

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Useful Links

Here is a list of useful links for pupils, parents and carers.

Key websites:

Times Tables Rockstars
Maths Shed
Spelling Shed
Fiction Express
Reading Plus (Y 5 and Y 6 pupils)
Purple Mash

The children have usernames and passwords for these sites.

Links for parents

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Links for Pupils

e-Safety Links

Parent Info is collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone and provides information to parents and carers about their children’s wellbeing and resilience, internet safety and a wide range of other topic matters like sex, relationship and body image.

Durham Music Services

Durham Music Services aim to inspire young people in our communities to enjoy music throughout their lives. They provide a wide range of high quality musical educational opportunities aiming for the highest standards. Visit the Durham Music Services website for further information.

Feeder Schools

Our children go on to a variety of different secondary schools. Here are links to the schools most frequently chosen by Year 6 parents:

You can also search for alternative schools using the following link:

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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